UPDATED FEBRUARY 28, 2019 04:29 PM
Whether she’s dispensing nutrition advice to her thousands of Instagram followers (@eatlikemonica) or consulting with high-profile clients like the Marlins, Monica Auslander Moreno is strictly no judgment. “I’m not one to moralize about food,” she said. “I love waffles and pizza. Everything in life is balance.” While in college, Moreno, now 31, read the book Intuitive Eating and something clicked. “It taught me to make peace with food and trust my body to know what it needs.” Moreno is the first to acknowledge that healthy doesn’t necessarily mean thin; she doesn’t even keep a scale in her Midtown Miami office. “If you do what I tell you and stay open to the process, your weight will normalize and usually go down,” she said. “But what’s really sacred to us is any kind of health and happiness feedback.” Here are some items that keep her levels of health and happy high.

Breathe Pilates
“The instructors challenge you, but if you need to tap out, they get it. I have scoliosis and their classes help keep my back problems at bay.”